Hi Folks, Gus Paldo here.
As I'm sure you know, I head up the Public Relations department here at the Krankiboy Khronicles. As head of the KK's PR I'm the fellow responsible for keeping The Khronicle's readership up and the number of death threats as low as possible. Let's take a look at the latest stats.

Here's a graph of this week's visitors. Hey, look at Monday. We cracked the 100 mark for visitors. Not too shabby.
In fact, I was just about to take a vacation when the late week numbers took a drastic dip bottoming out with a record low of 45 this Saturday. This puts my ass on the chopping block. And I don't want to lose my cushy job and spacious corner office. After my wife left me to marry my brother, getting fired is precisely the kind of development could push me over the edge.

Anyhow, I understand that unlike me, you might have a life or a girlfriend or hobbies that include more than just obsessing over blogs. Now while I pity and despise your desire for recreation, fresh air and a social life on your day off, I also want to say that I truly and deeply care about you. That's why I have just one question for you, the reader.
What can the Krankiboy Khronicles do to keep you happy?

"I'd like to see more gorgeous women floating seductively in a pools of orange and purple flowers."

"More hard hitting articles about vegetables and cruchy fruit."

"I'd like it if I wasn't constantly treated as a sex object. It seems that every time I come here I get doused with water and forced to strike a provocative pose. I'm more than some chick in a wet shirt and tiny denim shorts. I went to Junior college for nearly two years."

"I'd like to see more of an effort to create global harmony. There's already enough negativity in the world."

"Enough with the peace symbols and cute animal pictures. I wanna see more drunk girls making out with each other and finger banging!"

"Personally I love the Krankiboy Khronicles just the way it is."

"Is that true Debbie? Because I think you're a narcissistic whore who is only capable of loving yourself."

"Anything that has to do with the beach or the ocean will grab my attention."

More contests where we can win with homemade lingerie giveaways.

"I'd like the blog to focus less on hedonistic pleasures and concentrate on unique and insightful political commentary. Oh, god, I'm so wasted, pound me Vinny, pound me!"

"Hi, Starchy Pete here. I think that a vast majority of the photos are often silly and pointless."

"Bukkake. Also girls who eat the excrement. "

"Howz 'bout y'all including dating tips n' proper courtship etiquette for those of us who ain't been burying they bone deep inside some motherfuckin' horny bitch's boo-tay?"

"I agree with Snoop. That would be the schizznit. Personally I would crawl across broken glass just to suck the dick that fucked the ass of some hot, skanky Unicorn snatch."
Well, thanks, Coloring Book Horse!
What would the rest of you readers like to see?
Gus Paldo
Just keep on, keepin on. it's gold.
I would like to see more of Colouring Book Horse.
PS: do I win a fiver?
Keep on trucking. Check!
More Coloring Book Horse. Check!
I have a no idiot Americans policy on the island. That would exclude most of the Survivor contestants. But I might make an exception. Indeed, I will keep you up to date on the development of Kranki Island.
Hey look it's ME...Fits. i'm pretty and wear women's clothing!
Yes. Keep fucking survivor contestants on an island until you're hoarse.
or something.
I think that post proves you don't need to change anything at all. And all I need to chnge is my underwear, and possibly the seat cover, because I might have laughed so hard I weed a little.
Yes, I read your blog in nothing but underwear!*
*A pathetic attempt to sound stalkerish and funny. Best ignored.
I love the women who share my cyberspace! You make me glee.
Yes, I used glee as a verb. It's fun. Try it.
Some hot, skanky unicorn snatch. Natch.
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