*ring ring*

"Howdy Doodly, I'tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Kranki!"

*distant sounds in background*
"oooooooo.......oooooooo yeah........oh that's it...."


"oh, OH, OOOOH!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!"


"Woah...hey Kranki, it's me Sherriff, your brother from another mother."

"Hey dude. Do I want to know what was going on there?"

"You know, same old...orgies, spa parties...Hang on, I'm just about to cum."


"Aaaah, that's better. Thanks guys!"

"Thank YOU Sherriff..."

"Yeah...it's good to be the king baby. Anyways...Kranki, you still there?"


"I KNOW you're there baby..."

"Yeah...okay...what's up?"

"Well it's like this ya see, and you're not going to like it. This whole blog swap thing we've had going on..."

"Ummm...I don't know what you're talking about dude..."


"What dude? I always post like this...."


"No...I like it like this! I wanna stay being you, can't you stay being me?"


"I mean, being in Hell, all of a sudden I've got all these fancy chicks wanting to cyber me..."


"And that chick Bou! What a depraved monkey she is! I wanna stay playing with her!"





"Look, how about I forward you Ms Fits username and password and you can pretend to be her instead. Actually...we both could...Just imagine..."





"Good Pot isn't it?"


"So...that's it then? Hey but anyway...I thought you said we weren't going to tell anyone?"

"Yeah, but you know...I lied. I'm from Hell, what do you expect?"

".....So....that's it. You're leaving me."

"Hey, it's not all bad baby, we've still got each other's passwords. You know, we can get together on weekends...maybe have a coffee or something? Just...maybe we need a little time apart first. Let things settle down a bit you know?"

"I don't wanna."


"Fine. Screw you man."

*redials number*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*

"Hi, you've reached Krankiboy, I'm sick of posting on Sherriff's blog and I never liked him anyway, so you know what? Screw him, this is the last post I let him write on MY blog. See if I care. And Sherriff, if that's you. I want my fucking CDs back. And my yellow jumper, and I never wanna see your face in LA...you bastard. I hate you..........I hate you........No........... I love you.......I LOVE YOU........I LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOUUUUU!!!!"

*whispers softly*
"I love you too Kranki, and I always will...."
Words fail me. Who can beliee anything a little devil baby says. Lies. All lies. Even the things he said that were true... LIES! Except the love part that's true.
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