It has been raining like something from out of the bible for the last four days. The sky opens up and dumps like I've never seen before. It comes down in these fat heavy sheets. It does not help my mood. Nor did the fact that: I discovered http://www.savetoby.com/ today. Much like some of Ms. Fits' posts I wish I'd stayed ignorant of this special information. Sure, I'm late to discover this twisted plot. But it filled me with such a mix of emotions. I can't even tell you which emotions they were. That's how mixed up they are. So Hunter S. Thompson killed himself the other day. That goes right into the "Bound to happen sooner or later file" never do I recall being less surprised to hear that somebody had killed themselves. It somehow perhaps because of who he was and how he lived his life just can't be looked at as tragic. I must clarify that I don't mean to be callous, I loved the brilliant insanity of the man. I just can't think of a more appropriate way for him to go out of this mortal world. It's a wonder he made it to 67. You can't love drugs and guns as much as that man did and hope to pass blissfully away in your sleep. Nor would he have even wanted to. I assume Hunter just got curious about what death was like. Maybe it gets you really high. It's certainly the ultimate in alternate reality. So Hunter is now trippin' on death and I hope it's making him as happy as his tales of purposeful chaos have made me whenever I read them. His was not a life to envy, but was certainly one to awe at. I wonder if it makes people jealous who choose to or are required to spend most of their time in this reality, while Hunter's days consisted of getting fucked up on a vast combination of drugs, writing and getting paid and encouraged to do both. The man unlike anybody I have ever heard of became legendary for his ability to blend altered states and reality into some hybrid of non-fiction and fiction. What a life. I want to look through the key hole and just get a peek. Nobody was ever on his case like they are on Robert Downey Jr's case for all the drug taking he does. And Downey Jr. Doesn't run around with guns that I'm aware of. Thompson is one of the rare people who is beloved for being a crazy, out of control, dangerous lunatic. How is that endearing? I don't know, but as cool as his antics were. I don't think there are any parents who'd be psyched to hear their son or daughter announce "Mom, Dad, I'm gonna be the next Hunter S. Thompson!" Well, perhaps there are a few. It sure would make for a a hell of a great college major! Hunter wore his unique badge with pride. I just sincerely hope they have some kind of really good drugs for Hunter to enjoy in the afterlife. Otherwise it's gonna be one bummer of a life after death for the great Gonzo Journalist. I have to stop writing as I am about to try and make some roundabout connection between Thompson and Gonzo from The Muppets. Oh, and if I misspelled anything in this post it's because I was paying tribute to Hunter by ingesting three Xstacy pills, two grams of coke, two tabs of blotter acid, three pot brownies a high ball and a large snort of ether.

He very nearly became sheriff. It's true.
Is that why you called the radio show last night? Because you were buzzing out on red bennies?
SHH! Don't tell him about the Red Bennies!
I was up late late going on early. When you're talking to peeps in Melbourne and they're going to sleep it's time to reassess your sanity/bedtime. No red Bennies, but that would be fun to try. I assume that those are uppers? I don't know your narco slang. Also in case my mom is still reading my blog as she was a while back Drugs are bad.
ack! i listened for half the show before i had to turn off the radio so charles could sleep. dammit! i could have heard kranki's dulcet tones.
er, unless you weren't on the air... and fits/gen/glenny were just playing all that music so they could have extended secret kranki chat time. seems likely. one day. i'll keep popping in to the chat room. is there a set time and day anymore?
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