It's hard work building up a blog readership and even harder to walk away from the spotlight. I think it was very brave of Greg the Boyfriend to bow out. Few great athletes and performers have been able to walk away from the adulation of the crowd and the thrill of showcasing their talents. Michael Jordan couldn't do it. Greg didn't seem to like the quasi-celebrity status that his blog bestowed on him and I respect that. Greg went out at the top of his game. For that he has my admiration and my respect. Few in their field have been able to walk away from the game while still in their prime. He will always be a legend to me. He's the blog that drew me back to blogging. So let's have just a moment of silence, with no clicking of keys for ten minutes in recognition of Greg the Boyfriend and his contribution to American Culture, Technology, Sociology, Tips on how to self-sabotage any relationship and of course, Literature. Ten minutes of quiet reflection with no keyboard clicking, please...
I only lasted for 2 minutes and 10 seconds, I'm sorry people. But Greg the b/f is a rare case indeed. According to polls and surveys, that you might find on another blog that perhaps cared about accuracy sighting correct stats and crap, there are thousands of bloggers joining the blogging world every hour. The pond that was already too big for this Attention Whore Fish.* So what's my point? Well that's what's so great about the blog. You simply don't need one.
Kindly take a minute to drop me a snarky comment and then go visit Ring Ring and try not to wet your pants or the pants of anybody sitting near you.
*Not an actual species of fish
Please take a moment to marvel at our sponsor.

This post has been brought to you by the swell folks at Atlas Industries.
Yes, it's VIBRA-FINGER. For massage in those hard to reach yet needy areas.
I cannot add any depth to your personal observation about the social phenomena that we are all participating it.
I can say, however, comment on one thing:
Ring Ring's sponsor is a what?
What a lovely surprise!
whoops- forgot an "a" in there somewhere...
But more importantly...
Kranki, what happened to your banner? Is it somthing like-- if the banner's a rock'n don't come a knock'n?
Jess of fixed my banner and I love her for her efforts.
Please explain your ring ring sponsor comment. I'm not getting it.
The vibra finger... I thought that you were cleverly intimating that the finger was ring ring's sponsor...
And the word "say," like a random drunken bar whore, snuck up into that sentence when I wasn't looking. Kind of like, when you get some pics developed after a night being feisty, and some chicks all up in evey photo, but no one know who in the shizzle she is.
Yeah, "say" is that bar whore.
By the way, I can't help it if I'm admired for my head.
errr.... intellect.
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