Some friends and I went out to a party to celebrate darling K's 25th birthday. The party planners were keen to make it a theme party but couldn't quite decide between Casino Night or New Baby Girl. I didn't know this, so as I approached the house I was a bit confused by the big pink signs that read "Congratulations - It's a Girl!" Then once I made my way into the party I saw the slew of stuffed animals and cartoon baby pictures and decorations. There was a little black girl on a hobby horse and a little black boy splashing in the bathtub. K said they didn't have any pictures of white babies. I told her it was cool, just like the real thing they always attract more buyers. On the table there were pink "It's a girl!" cigars and lollipops. There was also a cascading chandelier made entirely of playing cards. That's right folks it was Baby's First Casino Night! And baby not only had plenty of Vodka, Rum and Gin to go around but she had some bomb diggity Italian catering. Baby knew what she was doing on the food and beverage front.

It was a nice low key party. Although there was no gambling taking place when we arrived.

The decorations were cool and clever but they were overshadowed by the numerous 20 something girls who proudly had their ample cleavage on parade. Or so I was told by my cohorts and the cleavage barers themselves. I'm married now, so I no longer take notice of such things. Ever.

tah tah tah tah tah tah...

tah tah...

tah tah...

tah tah!

If you or somebody you know would like to learn more about cleavage, then be sure to pick up a book at your local library. You can also find relevant information right here.
I am actually not a huge fan of more than will fit in your hand. But it seemed like the hot topic so I was a good sport. I've been down the DD highway and it's just overkill.
When you think about it the cleavage clinic actually makes sense as a unifying visual motif. Both babies and gamblers adore the boobies. Again, as I said, I'm married, so I don't take notice of these kinds of things.
Since there was no gambling going on my friend and I who are not "big fans" of the war in Iraq decided to make some wagers on how many deaths there would be on Iraq's election day. Yes, it's dark gallows humor. I said only 11 U.S. troop deaths, my other friend had a the number in the hundred range and my "lets- bet- 20-bucks to see who wins friend was quite high with his estimate. A friendly young lady came over to join our chat and we asked her what she thought the American casualty number might be. She guessed 250 U.S. troops. I expressed relief. "I had this momentary fear that you were going to tell us that you had brothers or family over there fighting," I jested.
"No. I don't. But I do have a lot of close friends from high school and college who are in the military and stationed there right now."
Blake jumped in quickly. "So, how do you like living up in Seattle?" And amazingly, that was enough to pull us out of the awkward moment.
Okay, thanks for reading all the way down. Now you can go back and look at the pictures of the breasts again.
Thanks for the mammaries
oh come ON, you knew it was coming.
And btw, I too am a fan of the just-over-a-handful range in size.
Yes, well, babies are a bit of a gamble though arn't they?
I dig the thematic synergy of your friends soiree.
Can you believe that I'm not saying anything smutty? Hot damn.
Please Please say something smutty.
Please? Pony up!
66% good that's offensive! That's 2/3rds good.
I knew a guy named Blake when I lived in London.
He was a bartender in a posh club up in Notting Hill.
The great thing about Blake was that he would mix-up these absynthe m'tinis, and while he was mixing them he would tell you what he'd be doing to you once you passed out.
I'd add more, but I' don't remember because I stuck to vodka like a good little pony (mostly).
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