Tuesday, November 08, 2005

And We All Float On...

Yeah, that score looks about right. I'll retake the Life Quiz in a Month and see how I'm doing.

I wonder if they make Ecstacy in a long-lasting, continuous IV drip form.

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 5.2
Mind: 5.4
Body: 7.1
Spirit: 5
Friends/Family: 4.6
Love: 1.4
Finance: 3.5
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Go ahead, rate your life. If it's lower than mine I will buy you a drink.

And we can make a toast. "To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to all of life's problems."*

* That was either Socrates or Homer Simpson.


Fluffy said...

We're running pretty close but it looks like I'll be buying you that drink.

Especially as I'm up on the financials.

Chai said...

5.2!!... That'll take some beating... I like this reverse competitiveness thing. Hmmm... now if I dont include that girl I thought was cracking onto me but was actually trying to sign me up for an Amex card in the question about the number of people finding me attractive, I might just bring mine down to... carry the 2, add the 4...

Sponky said...

My score is 4.6. I guess you owe me that (non-alcoholic) drink.


Anonymous said...

viv said
6.2, with an 8.8 spirit! i would have expected to rate 100 proof for that category.

Anonymous said...

I scored 4.2...

I'll have a Vodka Sunrise, please... even tho my finances scored 7.4 (WTF???)...

Flaming Goddess said...

at 4.5 i'll take a drink :) you can put sponky's alcohol in mine.

kranki said...

Fluffy: Can't wait to see you. I found a home for the little doggie.

Debs: I think your rusty hook named Ben is very lovely. I was just surprised that a teacher of wee ones like me had such a wrongly good sense of humor.

When I get to Australia I will clearly be very poor and drunk.

Leo: You should have a higher rating if you are happily engaged. Dang you must be unemployed with a chronic illness and no friends, money or healthy body image. When I grow up that is my goal. Congrats on having a happy fiance. I'm supposed to be bitter about marriage but I'm not. I wonder why that is.

Flaming goddess: Sponky's alcohol is all yours. At this pace I'll need to have a night devoted to Rate Your Life Blog Grog Night. Attendance looks to be good.

You Aussies are a friendly bunch I hope your cute female friends are half as friendly to this sweet and separated seppo.I'm slightly scrawny but otherwise my mom says I'm a real catch.

kranki said...

Fluffy, how do you put links in the comments section? I have so much to learn. Jelly says she's gonna teach me how to swim. What are you going to teach me?

PiesFan90 said...

I scored 7.7, too much love in my life (sorry).

Here I'll show you. remove the quotes and insert your URL. Then replace the text with whatever you want underlined.
Here endith the lesson.
'This guy'

PiesFan90 said...

'(a href="http://www.do-not-zzz.com/")This guy(/a)

Sorry, replace the brackets with < and >.

PiesFan90 said...

Third time lucky.
Replace the ( and ) with < and >.

(a href="http://www.do-not-zzz.com/")This guy(/a)

Buck Fudd said...

I've recently vowed to keep telling myself that my life's no worse than anyone else's but you can't argue with the empirical objectivity found at the likes of monkeyquiz.com


Late November you say?


magical_m said...

I got 6.4 overall, but my love life score was a crappy 1.4.

What's the good of a being healthy 7.2 if my love life sucks?

Pass that bottle of vodka...

Quirkie said...

7.1/10 = 71% which is a damn site better than I did on my last exam.

href="http://sanctifiable.blogspot.com/2005/11/cybergurus-have-spoken.html")Does this work?(/a)

Quirkie said...

Apparently this does not work, Clokey.

Chai said...

What the bleep u guys trying to do? Make a clickable link? Ahhh... look, this normally costs money, but today, it is free....
it is... ok... thought of an easier way...
See here... http://www.cwru.edu/help/introHTML/TCh6.html
Or did I misunderstand? I think I'm in the wrong blog.

kranki said...

Quick somebody say something disturbing and controversial. Sorry I got us off on a blog hyperlink tutorial.

All I've done is confuse everyone further.

Quirkie said...

Chai, if I bat my eyes a little will you just do it for me?

Quirkie said...

(That was supposed to be controversial AND educational)

Chai said...

Oh gawd... I am getting conflicting impulses here... the guy on the left shoulder says something unintelligible and the guy on the right shoulder says ... I cannot make it out, but something about knives, hurt, redrum, dull boy.... Quiet everyone!!! O..K..., this is it... HTML 001.

<a href="your url here!">your description here</a>

Viel glueck.
Sorry Kranks... (did u know krank=sick in German? I suppose Kranki would be like sicko or something, yes?)

kranki said...

So the Germans think that I am SICKOBOY? That explains all those weird German fettish pictures I get via email.