Saturday, August 07, 2004

The Wonders of Modern Science!

This is Breast Firming Gel.
Don't you people know that Gel can do anything?!

It reads: "Firming & Toning For Beautiful, Full Breasts"

I think it's sad that it preys on the warped notion that women should aspire to have perfect bodies. I'm just glad I'm a man.

For me this magical breast firming potion raises many questions that I'd like you to consider.

1) Other than me, what idiotic fool would buy this bogus product?

2) Do you think this firming gel might work on my buttocks region?

3) Based on reading my blog, do you think that my buttocks or breasts could look tighter or more firm?

4) Do you think I don't see you drooling at those skanky, bimbo blogs with the enormous knockers? I know you look at them.

5) You're thinking about leaving me for a blogger who has firmer more bountiful breasts, aren't you?

6) How can you be so fucking shallow?

7) Do you think that if my breasts were firm and luscious you'd want to stay in our blog relationship and try and make it work?

8) So you're ready to throw everything we've built together away simply because my tits can't defy gravity?

9) Do you know you'll never find another blog that loves and cares for you as much as I do?

10) Have you even considered what this will do to the children?

11) Did you ever really love me for me?

12) Okay, but what about my nipples they're as pert as ever, right? Right?

Just go. Go. Don't even look at me.

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