Wednesday, August 25, 2004

George W. Bush: A Man With Vision

Okay, Mr. President, if you look up at the top left window, you'll be able to see my darling, twin daughters, Kelly and Nelly. They've been so happy since they joined the soccer team.


kranki said...

Hi Donkey. I checked out your site. It's short but it seems clear that you like Donkeys. Why don't you make it so people can put comments on your posts? Thanks for visiting.

kranki said...

No such problem with Kerry he knows how to use the military equipment. That and the speaking in complete sentences thing may carry the day. But this is America, so unless we're talking about the Olympics I always have low expectations for this backwards nation.

BEVIS said...

I'd love to agree, but as I live in another country, agreeing with the above statement would undoubtedly prove to be very bad for my health. I'm allergic to bombs, you see.

No, seriously. I have a note from my doctor and everything. Please don't kill me and everyone in my family.

kranki said...

Sorry, even if your note is signed by the United Nations Security Council and the Geneva Convention, it will not protect you. They're both Un-American.