Saturday, August 06, 2005

Tasty Muffins

These are muffins

By now you'd think that the internet would no longer be able to surprise me. This morning arose just after 12:30 pm and had a strange craving for muffins.

As we had no muffins in the house I decided that the next best thing would be to do a google search for muffins and look at different kinds of muffins while drinking a cold glass of milk.

What I found was a recipe composed of 1 part cute, 1 part pathetic, 1 part cheerful, 1 part morbid, 1 part amusing, and 1 part disturbed with a delicate sprinkle of insanity frosted with O.C.D..

There were only 3 muffins that I would care to sample again. Three were entertaining and one was only partially baked.

Taste some Muffin Short Films


Anna A. Spades said...

I enjoyed them way too much.

Then recommended them to my friends. Well friend, singular.



kranki said...

A.A. Spades: It seems like a lot of effort for muffins. Which ones did you like?

Also, did you have a birthday recently? I thought you were sixteen. This means that it will be legal to send you lewd and inappropriate correspondence in less than a year.

(Insert suggestive comment about your muffins here)


Anna A. Spades said...

I read in the Occasionally Asked Questions section (Ha! Take that, internet conventions!) that it is actually a thesis work for a masters degree in animation...

I liked M, Muffin Tree and Bluebirds in Spring. Mainly because they are the ones my friend liked and his amusement made me feel like the Great Procurist of all wit, prison toothbrushes with razor blades attached to them and humourous flash animations.

kranki said...

Can you get me a Colgate Tooothbrush with a nice study handle for jabbing? Cell block D.

P.S. Sorry this note is written in ear wax, the guards took my good stabbin' pen.

Of the Muffin Films I liked Psst, The Muffin Tree and Bluebirds in Spring. And that creepy one where the kid is killed by his pervy neighbor had potential.