Now that I look more closely at the “blueprints” of the “incident” I realize that it was closer to five feet high and six feet across. However, in no way did that make the impact with the concrete any softer or the bruise on my tail bone (ass) less painful.
Kids don’t try this at home and certainly don’t try it while you are out on break from your grad school class entitled “Teaching Science to Elementary Students”
I just hope we’ve all learned something from this instructional demonstration.
Any Questions?
Because it was there?
No, it's not the reason that some adventurous spirts give for wanting to climb vast mountains. That would be somehow noble or inspiring or rational. I did it because I had been sitting in a classroom for four hours, and then I had a great big ice cream shake. Honestly it didn't seem the least bit dangerous at the time. Pure Sugar induced confidence. Also, I blame Hollywood and the Media, especially that Spiderman movie. I'm going to sue the bastards.
Well, as a lawyer I can't praise you highly enough for contemplating that sort of litigation. You would basically be doing a public service. These film moguls must be taught that encouraging the easily suggestable can have repercussions.
Or we could just sue your parents for producing such a silly child.
Wonderful picture. Very instructional.
Holy Crap!
I also have several bruised coccygeal vertebrae!
I sat on the road at 90 kilometres an hour, and hurt my motorbike.
I can't draw you a picture though, I'm crap.
*soothing ass-healing vibes*
Hi. You left some comments in my livejournal (user: linne) thanking me for the compliment on your pictorial. You're welcome. But please refrain from spamming my LJ account in the future (you replied with the link to one of my readers). Thanks.
Spamming? I don't even own any Spam. It's hurtful to tell somebody that you think of them as Spam. I hope nobody was hurt?
I find it amazing that not only did you attempt the jump with a keyboard in your pocket, but that the letters spookily spelt out "ouch" when you landed...
*insert spooky sci-fi sound fx here
Knifey: Let me wish your lower vertebrae a speedy recovery. Thank you for the positive ass healing vibes. How'd you wreck you hog? (motorcycle)
Fits: When you say I'm a "dick" you mean that in a daring-have-no-fear-carpe-diem, swashbuckler sort of way. Right?
Sheriff: I thought the keyboard would help my aerodynamics.
Warren: You're much too kind, but just for you I'll continue to to engage in dangerous and potentially amusing behaviour.
Minty: I would like to avoid sewing my family, despite the fact that lawyers, solicitors, barristers (??? which do what???) like that sort of aggressive litigation. I would like to sue the person who invented concrete? And if we can't take the Ancient Romans to court, then let's go after those bastards who built the structure and failed to post a "Do Not Try and Jump From Here to Here" sign. Blatant Negligence!
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