My female friend thought perhaps she was being too hard on the chimps and was concerned that perhaps the chimps didn't like her decided to show some basic human to chimpanzee pleasantry, so she smiled at on of the chimps at the zoo. The response on the part of the chimp extended far beyond simple appreciation. So naturally I teased her about her obvious fetish for our primate cousins. I'm not in favor of sex with animals, whether it's "consentual-ish" or not, but I bet we could find some hippie liberal judge who would see it as free speech or an online minister who would be happy to join the two in marital bliss. Yup, the cold medicine has definitely kicked in. It's supposed to be wrong to have sex with your cousins. Although, it could be the other way around as she is from Australia. I'm fairly certain that the chimp would have to take my friend out to a nice dinner and get her drunk and loosened up before he could even thing about tire swing shagging. But before you just my friend to be a deviant bestial whore. Ask yourself this. Could you resist the advances of a tall strong, lanky and well-endowed feces thrower. She's only human. I can't wait for her next birthday party so we can have a clown who can tie balloons into festive chimp cocks. IS it redundant to say "festive chimp cocks"?
For the record, I must say that I don't think that chimps should be put in cages. They're bound to go bonkers. Even fish need a nice spacious tank to be happy.
Nice chimp. So, totally unrelated question. I found you via bloglinker and now the stupid site (bloglinker's) won't let me in, and somehow, has erased my bloglink list from my blog. I know you were having probs. with them as well. Any f'ing clue as to what is going on? (Maybe too many f words?). Lots of sobbing and template fear.
Nice chimp. So, totally unrelated question. I found you via bloglinker and now the stupid site (bloglinker's) won't let me in, and somehow, has erased my bloglink list from my blog. I know you were having probs. with them as well. Any f'ing clue as to what is going on? (Maybe too many f words?). Lots of sobbing and template fear.
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