Look at the joy on the faces of these big boned folks.
All thanks to the folks at Great John
Here is some info about the company. Yes it's the "Mission Statement" from the people that make toilets for fat people.
"For years the wants and needs of the large-size community was not addressed. (kranki note shouldn't it be "were" and not "was" Sorry, yes, I am commenting on the grammar of the mission statement from the people that make toilets for fat people.) Being a ceramic manufacturer, our understanding of these needs only came about in the clinical environment of a plastic surgery institute that we also own. Having large-size people amongst our ranks and in our families made our goals very clear. We had to form a company that would specialize in bringing bathroom products to the market that would really fit and make our lives safer and better. The tasks were laid out. Getting feedback from the users and over a three year period of research, we are able to bring our products to the market. Our journey is not over, it's actually just beginning. We will continue in our research to bring you more, new and exciting products that we hope will keep on making our life better."
They sure are some "exciting products." I also love that they consider creating a toilet for fat people to be "a journey that has just begun" and then they casually mention that they also own a plastic surgery institute. WTF? Let's do some lyposuction and make you thin Mrs. Barnes. Wait, are we making as much money as possible? What about those fat bastards that are stubbornly okay with being over-weight, how can we make a pleasantly plump sum off those chubbsters? Eureka! Toilets for fatties. My uncle says the regular toilet seat cuts into his thighs like a hot knife.
I also love the bit about "Getting feedback from the users over a three year period of research." Sign me up for that gig. Mr. Lardly, tell me... When you defecated in our prototype how did you feel? Was it a good crapping experience?
Can you show me where on your ass you felt the pinching sensation, Mrs. Felcher? We want to make taking a shit a little slice of heaven for you.
note: Seat provides “Anti-slide movement fins” for safety and you can't spell the word saftey with out the letters y-e-s f-a-t.

Why is the rocket taking off from down town in the redlight district? Is it a metaphor for sexual satisfaction? I love that you can read that sign as GAYS or GRLS.

And here we see little Mittens the kitten. All mittens wants is some milk. He's starving. But those are pure silicon, Mittens. Ain't no milk coming out of there anymore. Possibly some saline. Poor, poor kitty. It's like the irony of being lost at sea and dehydrating while adrift on a vast ocean of water but not being able to drink a drop.

Um. What in the fuck is going on in this picture?
Hank: (Chuckle) And now that Angie has dumped you, she's my girl. I sure do love stuffing her full of my man meat. No hard feelings, right Chad... Chad?... Chad... CHAD NO!
Love hurts people. Now go to the website and look at this.
"• 100% factory flush tested • Ceramic tested to 2000 pound loads." Wow. That's a big deposit.
Assorted images of poo
no it is not a scat site....... well I don't think it is
I didn't hang around long enough to find out
If you can be arsed, (I can't obviously, I'm to lazy to even start a blog) there is definitely a send a poo web site out there, virtual of course!
Similar to this gem
okay finally the comments page has loaded. your blog always puts me in a good mood, even when I'm feeling poorly. especially the picture with the axe about that guy getting dumped! too funny. and your scathing remarks about fat people always hit home.
can't wait to hear about more hilarious scrapes xxx fluffy
In a cruel bit of irony, just after I posted this thing my toilet clogged up. If there is a god he has a very low brow sense of humor.
Clever gal you are I had a nus-iance of a day and I had all these negative thoughts floating around my head but your comments flushed away the cr-ass thoughts and allowed me to think in a w-hole new positive directum.
I should eat a bullet for encouraging you. Now all we need is for Sherriff to show up and shame us all with his ability to think so scatalogically and force out thick piles of crapunnery.
Kid Sanchez
Lucky for us Sherriff is in no shape to pun for the next 24 hours or so. Though having said that I have seen him crack jokes even after being drunk enough to fall off his bar stool.
It would be a waste of time to try to compete with that.
Oh god. I had to read these comments about 5 times to get the joke ('cos I knew there was one in there somewhere, dammit!) even though Fluffly kindly bolded some bits for the more stupid among us - but hey, I got there in the end.
Ain't those toilets just great, John! How on the earth do you find this stuff, Kranki. Don't answer that.
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