Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Today I awoke to find that my krankiness had gone on vacation. I woke up after briefly meditating on positive thoughts and a sense of well-being and contentedness this morning and so far it has stuck. I have so far done the following very un-kranky things.

I got up early, made waffles for Penny, scrubbed her back in the shower (awww yeeah!) and took the dogs out for a romp.

I pretended to be a tiger and battled against my two dogs. The Ferocious Freckle Dick and the Menacing Ass Breath. Twaz a an epic battle that ended in face-licking. It's okay, my neighbors already think I'm insane.

Also, the fluffy one called me and left me a lovely message filled with hip maternal bliss, and that means somebody on planet Australia is thinking about me, so therefore I can write run-on sentences that never end and are unnecessarily long for no particular reason whatsoever.

I went outside and it looked like my car was completely, fender to trunk, covered, COVERED in bird shit. Oddly I didn't mind in the least. Upon closer inspection I realized that is was just a bunch of small brown leaves and I was actually momentarily disappointed. I thought to myself "Oh, darn it's not bird poo! Well, maybe better luck tomorrow. That thought was quickly followed by "Hey neat! My car looks like it's covered in camouflage."

I sang an acapella falsetto song with my own lyrics. (Yes, this really is krankiboy)

Then the following songs all went through my head and I sang and danced to snippets of each. So picture that if you can. Krankiboy dancing in the AM while not on alcohol or drugs of any kind. "The Good Morning song" a happy kids song. "Sex Machine" by James Brown, The intro to Good Morning Vietnam followed by the "Song Sugar and Spice"... and all things nice / kisses sweeter than wine." "Pay No Mind" by Beck, which I actually know all the lyrics to - even the part with "a giant dildo crushing the sun." So I have started the day in a boisterously cheery mood and if you're hating me for being in a good mood for any reason, then I love you and want to have all your babies.


daniel said...

See you in a week. We can dance round your house in our underpants, Tom Cruise in Risky Business style.

la nadine said...

i totally just came thinking about that, daniel.

can i be rebecca de mornay?

Anonymous said...

Kranki, please come back from you vacation, i need something to read!