I had lovely absurd pictures with oh so funny and inappropriate captions for you, but blogger is not cooperating so instead I have one picture and some stupid little red fucking boxes.

I didn't really feel like posting anything tonight. I'm in a snippy mood and ever since I've started working full-time I have had no desire to update this blog. The creative spark that it gave me is feeling snuffed out. The fun of sharing my specific brand of idiocy with you has dried up. I've met so many amazing and talented people through this strange portal to another dimension. I don't know quite why the pleasure is gone. I honestly don't understand where my sudden blog apathy has come from. I hope it's temporary. I've been pretty disconnected from my computer and my Aussie friends lately. It's as if we've had a falling out, except there hasn't been any falling out. Reader response has been good and I have a slew of what I'd normally consider great things and pictures to post about. But if it's not giving me a kick, why bother? It would be insincere and forced. I've lost that blogging feeling. I hope it returns. I'll see you if it does.
The old falling out non-falling out. I hear ya. Usually based on paranoia but occasionally actually spot on - I'm constantly in a heightened state of questioning whether there's been a falling out I don't know about. Currently at least seven people hate me in my brain.
As for losing your blogging mojo, I hear THAT too. It sucks but the best thing you can do is what you're doing - walking away. I think you'll find after a day or two or more, the desire to write for fun again rather than an audience or for friends benefits will return.
Best of luck and don't be a stranger even if you DO stop blogging. Which I sincerely hope you don't. Go rest and do something non-nerdish for a while and then come back more fired up than ever. x
Well said, Anonymous. If not a little aggressively.
Whatever you need, K-boy.
*Repeats for dramatic effect like drawling ol' cowboy*
Whatever you need.
*spits tobaccy*
Fucknuckle is a great word. I might even go so far as to say that Fucknuckle is one of the best words ever. Fucknuckle. It's just wonderful.
You have the best anons, Kranki, and what the anons want they get. Which means that perhaps you'll be back before long?
You don't want the anons to get restless and start fucknuckleing everyone now do you...? Okay, well, maybe that's a bad example.
It's kind of like Stockholm Syndrome, although most of the stocks have now left and moved into their own place, living on stinky mattresses on the floor, empty beer bottles all over the lounge room...you know.
So maybe it's Stocksharehouse Syndrome.
Either way, none of these things have anything at all to do with what you're saying but while you were reading this I picked your pocket.
It's all about distraction.
Deep man.
*blub blub*
*meets mermaid*
*has tom hanks moment*
*stops using fucking astericks all the time*
please don't fall into a k-hole, krankiman.
i don't know if i can go on without you.
don't leave kranki, who's going to keep me entertained when i get home from work at midnight.
this is like seinfeld finshing all over agin
don't leave kranki, who's going to keep me entertained when i get home from work at midnight.
this is like seinfeld finshing all over agin
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