Friday, August 06, 2004

Somebody Cheer Me Up... Please.


This is not a funny post. If you only like to read the funny stuff I write then this post is not for you. American ignorance has me too angry to muse.

I have never ever in my life been so involved and invested in politics. Perhaps it takes the combination of such outrageous behavior by our Chimp Executive and such a tiny response of frustration by the people in the United States in order to provoke me. George Dubya if I believed in the power of prayer I-would-truly-pray-that-you-choke-on-a-pork-rind-and-die. They're carb-free! It reminds me of when they had a picture of Dubya on the Craig Kilborn Show and put below it the words "Snipers Wanted." I always ignored politics because I didn't understand it or think it mattered much as far as affecting my individual quality of life, but now I want to do something about it. I wish I could afford to call all the people in the swing states and just talk to them and ask them what is important to them and show them that they are being lied to by Future-Former President Bush Jr. Somewhere in Missouri the phone rings. "Hi Annabelle Brewster this is Krankiboy from California. How are you today? Great. We're pretty much voting democrat over here and I was wondering if you could do me a favor as one American helping another American. No, I'm not a gay. No I'm not on drugs... right now. Listen could you give us the opportunity to have a new president? I think we deserve better." Quick factoid. Missouri has actually voted for the winner of the Presidential Elections every election year since 1900. 104 years! That's incredible to me. Honestly, I'm emotionally down right now. I think I'll genuinely be distraught if the Republicans maintain control of the Executive Branch of our Government. It reminds me of the fall of Rome, only America seems to be going down much sooner and much faster. The country is pulling itself down by polarizing itself and making people pick sides and pick enemies. The fact that people can so easily put a political label on themselves is an oversimplification. I'm not conservative or liberal (okay I'm usually a liberal) but it depends on the issue at hand. I do know that we were lucky to have brave and brilliant forefathers who created a superior form of government. Power to the people, but we've twisted it into power for the person-power and money and things the TV tells me to buy. All for me. But the lethargy of American people and their selfishness truly upset me. Even here in liberal Hollywood California people are only out to take care of themselves. Like greedy children who just want as much candy as they can grab and get away with from the corner store. And this mentality of selfishness has poisoned our country and weakened it allowing the current government to wield power. If Al Gore hadn't been such a complacent pussy Bush wouldn't have even had the opportunity to cheat his way into office. Our priorities are ALL FUCKED UP. Bill Clinton has sex with somebody and it's a scandal of the highest order. "He should be impeached!" George "Ye-ha" Bush invades a country to impose it's ideas and lies to America in the process and still Bush has a very solid support base.

Bush: "What we have extra money to use? Well, let's give it to folks to buy themselves sumthin' nifty. They'll think of me every time they turn on their brand spankin' new TV or fire up their Bar-be-cue. They could get one of them fancy mailboxes that looks like a mini house or a lawn jockey even. What do you mean we're in debt? Money trouble. Hmmm... How about a nice distracting war. Americans love a good war." We must make Iraq free by destroying it and killing lots of people. That's not how you spread freedom. Iraq didn't do a damn thing to us and we're dropping bombs on their babies. I'm disgusted. Can you imagine if our country was invaded. I know you can because that's what the 9/11 attacks felt like. And in Europe they said "Well that's what you get for playing boss of the world. That made me mad and it was hard to swallow, but they were right. Yes it was horrific, but that is what we got. It did happen and it happened for a reason. I hate the actions of our government that helped fuel such animosity and anti-US sentiment and caused my home city to be decimated. The world is not our chess board, we're just one of the bigger pieces on it. At least for now. On paper American Values look good, but in practice so many of us are sheep who want somebody to think for us. I left America and it's values behind once and returned out of a desire to be back with my friends and family. I'm not a religious person as you may have guessed, but I need to appeal to something for people to start caring about each other once again. Somebody cheer me up... please. The world looks really cutthroat to me lately and I feel like I don't know what I'm supposed to do to make it a place I'd want my children to live in. I'm going to be a teacher, but I don't want to be the kind that has given up on making a difference before I even get started. It all just leaves me feeling powerless and angry. Maybe I have the selfish virus inside of me already. I just don't remember seeing the world as bleakly as I do today. I hope there is such a thing as Karma and we are judged on our actions because it that's true I just stepped on one of Dubya's roach ancestors while walking my dogs. I don't know where all this anger and negativity is bubbling up from, but I want to wipe it away so I can enjoy writing my occasionally humorous essays and blogs. Help me feel better. Call one person in Missouri for me. I think Annabelle gets home from her job at the Budweiser brewery right around now.

Here is a place you can take your political pulse. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. (click me)

The Cost of War (click me)

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