Sunday, August 15, 2004

Political Girl Power!

Finally a candidate who won't complain if you take off all their clothes, cut their hair and put them into compromising sexual positions. Screw, BUSH, Piss Off, KERRY, Bite Me, NADER... Now you can vote for... HER!

While I think it's wonderful on one hand that they are trying to get girls to become interested in politics, I also worry that this could cause a drastic drop in tea parties nationwide. Imaginary tea parties for stuffed animals and dolls are a cost effective means of entertaining little girls. Imaginary tea is a environment friendly, safe and renewable resource. I think getting little girls more interested in politics will ultimately result in a greater number of them becoming alcoholics. Politics for young girls? Isn't one of the joys about being a little girl is that you don't have to worry about where your toys and dolls stand on the tough political issues. You can relax and be a kid. Luring very young girls into the political arena with toys is unfair. They should be concerned with counting butterflies, and lady bugs, not pouring over public opinion polls, and electoral data in an effort to craft a solid economic stimulus package. The girls are just learning to speak in complete sentences or how to write with nice neat penmanship. I guess that applies to President Bush as well. And he's a grown(ish) man who gets flustered when people use big words he doesn't know, like, nuclear, feasible, illegal, government, and many other three-syllable words. But is it fair then to expect Barbie and her girl supporters to craft and hone a speech that will captivate Americans and galvanize our country into one, by de-polarizing our country and elevating our nation's solidarity. That's a lot of pressure to put on Barbie and her female supporters. Barbie isn't known for her public speaking and I don't think she embodies true leadership qualities that our country urgently needs. Barbie's trackrecord is one of flitting about from one career to another. First she's Princess Barbie, then she's Ballerina Barbie, and now she thinks she can just waltz into the political arena and be taken seriously. She seems to care more about pretty accessories than executive accountability. I don't feel comfortable with her as Commander in Chief. She's about style not substance. While I whole-heartedly believe that the United States could greatly benefit from strong female leadership, I'm not convinced that Barbie in the Oval Office is the best direction for our nation. (Although she is smarter and prettier than the Trained Texan Oil Monkey who has the job now.) Here site is way interactive and has unicorns frolicking outside her window. Our president has no unicorns romping happily on the whitehouse lawn.

Barbie's Girl-a-rific-site click here

I think a far better female President of the United States would be Blossom from the Power Puff Girls Although she is quite young she still has more experience dealing with the government bureaucracy. (The Mayor of Townsville always needs her help ) She would be strong on defense and national security with her many super powers. She has a proven track record of beating up both bad guys and scary monsters. She possesses leadership experience. She's charismatic and articulate. Plus she can fly. I say Vote BLOSSOM!

Interactive Blossom Site

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