Saturday, August 14, 2004

Argument, Vomit, Bad Movie, Olympics

Penny went off to Yoga and I slept in with the dogs. The pups and I spend lots of quality unconscious time together. Then I went out with the dogs to chat with my neighbors and so all our dogs could romp around. From way down the block I see a large black woman who's walking what looks like a smallish dog. But as she gets a little closer I realize that the dog is pretty big, and the woman is just really big. She's also holding a metal rod. It looks like a golf club with the end chopped off. It's not a cane, I realize it's probably a weapon. She sees my little dogs, one of whom has no teeth and honestly there are fuzzy bedroom slippers more intimidating than my dogs. But she bellows "Get those dogs on a leash!" My dogs are on in the front yard of our apartment with two other dogs who are also off leash. So, this rod wielding woman has immediately annoyed me. I shout back "Excuse me?!" She loudly repeats her request adding that "it's dangerous." My dogs listen and I have them sit and stay. I yell back. "We've got five dogs here and they're not all mine, what do you want me to do?!" Then she really pisses me off. "If they come near me I'm gonna hit 'em!" So I'm on about 8 and angryometer by this point. "You're clearly a dog lover! We live here. Go away! Walk someplace else!" Like a deep fog horn she tells me off "I'm gonna. I will!" Put your damn dogs on a leash." Then I yelled "Thank you for asking so nicely! Hope to never see you again, soon!" Then she says "you're welcome" and waddles off. So that was the start of my day. Did she think I was going to comply with her request? Yes, I realize that that story could be told from her POV and it would be about this obnoxious scrawny, honkey-white boy who had these crazy dogs running all over the place. But this is my blog and I don't carry weapons and threaten to hurt animals. Humans I'd hurt if provoked but not animals. Just blowing off steam? Yes, thanks, I feel a bit better.

Then I watched Secret Window with Johnny Depp. It was awful. It ended with a final close up shot of Johnny dramatically biting into a piece of corn. I think that's my review.

Then I ate some raspberry pound cake that I bought at the farmers market near my house and it made me puke. It was odd though because it was a pretty pink color and it actually smelled nice. I have never imagined that anything that has been through the stomach could ever smell nice. It was like barfing up liquid popouri. Then I just stayed home with the wife and dogs and watched everything from Badminton quarterfinals to Synchronized diving.

I've already has enough swimming. It makes me tired and I can't swim so it's sort of been a drain. But by far, the event that will make you feel the most out of shape is the men's gymnastics competion. They look as big as body builders but they have the grace of a nimble ballerina. These guys can do insane things. Do you know how difficult it is to support yourself upside-down and keeping the rings totally still? Neither do, I but because I've watched three hours of gymnastics I'm just going to go ahead and pronounce myself and expert on gymnastics.

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