Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Krankiboy Khronicles! Kould'ya Keep the Komments Koming!?

Komments! I need YOUR COMMENTS.

Okay, I need to know where my blog visitors are from. Why? I have a suspicion that I have more Australian readers than American readers. If this trend continues I will have to move to Melbourne where I will be appreciated. I can't wait for accolades fame and fortune after I'm dead, that's just not gonna keep my dogs in Kibbles n' Bits.*

1) Give me your name (or fake name)
2) Your favorite ice cream flavor
3) Country, State or City that you live in

For example: Mr. Lickey, Vanilla, Sydney Australia

* I actually feed my dogs Science Diet, but "Kibbles" has a the letter "K" in it and words with the "K" sound in them are usually funnier than non-K words. For example.

"That little boy just hit me with a football." - Not so funny. But add some K sound words...

"That crackbaby kid just hit me with a kazoo." - A little funnier. Knish would be even better.

Let's go even more low-brow and see if the theory is sound.

"If you don't shut up I will put this vase up your butt." - Eeh...

"If you don't shut the fuck up I'll stick these car keys up your crack."
"If you don't shut your fucking face I'll cram this cucumber in your corn hole.

- Better, don't you think?

But don't over do it otherwise you end up with this.

Christ, Kevin, keep quiet with your crappy comments or Kelly kicks your cukoo commie keyster clear across Kentucky. Eew! Gilding the lilly. Alliterative, indeed. But, too much of a good thing will crucify your comedy quicker than the Klu-Klux-Klan. See what I mean.

Name, Ice cream, Country - please don't forget.



Anonymous said...

Lady R, vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, California

Jaykay said...

Jaykay, Choc Mint Ice Cream, Melbourne, Australia