Thursday, July 21, 2005

Naked Kranki Live!

Yeah, it's happening TODAY!

The world-renouned Chez Kranki invites you to an online mixer.

I want to catch up with my international friends and fanatics and I hope that some of you can make it to my chat room on...

TODAY - Thursday, July 21st

Thursday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on California Time

Please note that time is...

Friday, July 22, 2005
Friday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Melbourne Time

There will be a special appearance by Krankiboy and he will be totally nude via keyboard!!!*

Just click on the coffee cup on the bottom of the main page.

Hope to see you there.

*Due to cyber nudity no nerds under the age of 18 will be permitted**

** With only a handful*** of exceptions.

*** No pun intended there.


BEVIS said...

It's in my calendar. Now, depending on whether I get a chance at work to pop in for a coffee during that exciting window of opportunity, I might speak to you then!

Fluffy said...

Unless I'm still home with the flu I won't be there. Damn you and your time difference, USA!

kranki said...

An exciting window indeed! I will be wearing the same outfit as Kermit's Nephew.

Fluffy I'll wish that you are violently ill so you can join the fun between vomit jags.

Jellyfish said...

Arse. I'll be at work. Have fun, everyone :(

ps bevis - your profile photo and my profile photo should totally hook up

BEVIS said...

Jellyfish - Sure, although it might make my profile photo's uncle jealous!

Still, he never seemed all that interested anyway.

la nadine said...

i demand a personal invite or i'm not coming.

*checks inbox*

BEVIS said...

Yikes! My supervisor has made an unscheduled stop at my office for the day! She's going to be working from here, which was unexpected. My appearance at this little soiree may not actually happen. Sorry if that pleases you all ...