Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Dear Giggles...

Happy Birthday from all of us here at the Khronicles.


Anonymous said...

Great. Porn before I've had my coffee.... I think I'm awake now.

Happy Birthday Giggles? :)

kranki said...

Wende: Women modelling wearing armor is not technically porn. If they were statues it would be considered high art.

These women sacrifice their bodies to help defend our nation. I feel safer knowing that they are on the look out for evil-doers who threaten our first ammendment rights.

Porn involves... they would be...lic-- anyway. I think the female form is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated. IF not with Porn then perhaps in a rock opera.

Anonymous said...

Ok... I knew I'd get smacked for the "porn" designation. But I was typing without Coffee in my system...

Seriously, tho--that pictures weirds me out for some reason. Maybe it's the armor.

Melba said...

the female form IS a beautiful thing, but not when it is so skinny and bony and titless. wouldn't putting yourself in the one on the left mean risking some sort of penile amputation? from the grinding of the bones??

kranki said...

Yeah, they are kinda rexy-looking. I just thought that was all the woman that Giggles could handle.

You could probably rub those two together and start a fire.

Penile amputation. I agree there should be a large warning label on her pelvis.

I will endeavor to make the naked women posts more curvey in the future.

kranki said...

I usually put two heaping teaspoons of porn in my moring coffee. Gives it a creamy zing!

Melba said...

thankyou. i'm very porn sensitive; do not offend me again.