Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Enought is Enought

I honestly love the random assortment of "literature" that shows up stuck under my car windshield wiper. Sometimes it's a flyer letting me know that strip clubs are such popular places to eat during the afternoon that they don't charge a cover. Sometimes it is Jesus trying to contact me through one of the people he has chosen as a vessel to spread his word via angry warnings against the Hell that awaits be if I don't join team Jesus. Jesus was always about threats. Feet washing and threats. Last week it was a lovely detailed note from a nice woman who informed me that she had hit my car. Had there been no note I would never have noticed the scratch that was put on my pristine bumper. It just fit into the Jackson Pollack scratch-fest theme on my bumper. I thought it was very nice of her to send a note and give me all her contact info. To be honest, I am delighted anytime the item on my car isn't a parking ticket. This last piece of literature was brilliance incarnate. Here is the actual document. There were thousands of them on every car in the entire neighbor hood.

Powerful and compelling, yeah? It's also a teensy bit ironic to distribute a note bashing people who don't want to learn English that appears to have been "written" by an angry, semi-literate individual with a limited grasp of the written word.

I do like trees buy I am hoping there will be more unintentionally ironic notes from this author. Perhaps a rant against the foul language that people have taken to using.

This is my imaginary excerpt:


These people who always make the curses are asshole who should go fuck themselves to shit. how is it being fair. I drive am in car and a man do say to me you are mother fucker. I am thinking that this pussy fart guy is not know how to talk good with the vocabalrie. we must show that these is bad words. have no fucking place in our community. we must stop saying and not to be okay to write all words that are not nice to hear or see. You join me and slice off the balls of any man or whore-cunt titty who spreads this filth to us. send those foul-mouthed cum-suckers message that we think they are lower than dog pissing.

Make no more fucking cursing!

So here's the challenge. I want to see how many grammar or spelling mistakes you can find in the original note. Whoever finds the most will get a goodie package in the mail from yours truly. And I am sure that the many people who've received prizes from me will tell you that I do not slack when it comes to sending out prizes, trophies and the like. I will send it wherever the hell you want me to.

As for finding mistakes, I'll give you a helpful hint. Sentences start with capital letters.

Please take me up on this kranki kontest, because just like a Mormon marriage, the more the merrier.


flashman said...

I count 49. Had to post it as a full article here to do justice.

aome said...

Kranki, as a high school English teacher myself, I reviewed Flashman's error count, and all 49 of his are legitimate errors--


he missed a couple:

- There should be a comma in the second line after "yes" (just like you'd say "No, you don't." if your gf asked whether she looked fat in those jeans).

- There should also be a comma after "keep," because the entire phrase "yes, I said keep" is parenthetical.

- There are two places where there should be a comma before the word "then"--the two times it is used correctly in an if/then sentence ("If you are here illegally and you get stopped, then you don't...." AND "If you can't treate everyone the same, then don't....").

- The word "then" in line 13 ("My problem is when...") should be changed to "than" because the sentence is comparative.

- The final sentence should have some sort of end punctuation, i.e. a period or exclamation point.

All this should bring the error count to 55.


Anonymous said...

nothing says ethos like spelling errors in an advertisement...or spam.

la nadine said...

i love you krankiman.

miss you too.


Anonymous said...

BEVIS said...

This post is friggin' AWESOME, man!

I love and miss you too, Kranki.

(Is that OK?)


kranki said...

Bevis' "love" is like a boomerang. It's from Australia, and it keeps coming back to you. It is also that is highly contagious and can be used to hunt wombats.

Thanks Bevis. I have decided I want you to have my first born son as an appreciation of gratitude for your... appreciation. I think he works at a truck stop someplace down in Tijuana. At least that's what his whore mother told me in her last demand for alimony. Thanks, that would really help me out. Just don't tell him where I am as he was very angry when I dropped him off at the border. As I sped off. He stood at the side of the road shaking his fist and loudly swore to have revenge upon his "Gringo Papa-Kranki!"

Anonymous said...

BEVIS said...

I'll respond to this properly at the more recent version, where it became its own post.

Very special!

I hope others in the Kranki-faithful flock get such magnanimous treatment!

la nadine, for example. I'm a big fan of her work. Does she rate a special post as well?


Guilting you into doing more work since June 2005.