Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Brown Hole of Comedy


Sometimes all you can do is point at a Comedy Juggernaut and cry quivering tears of joy.

If you don't read it and like it then I hate you.

My thanks go to Liquid G for sharing this precious piece of political comedy.


Anonymous said...

okay, i'm just wondering who the hell ann coulter is? i know some coulters... wanda, louise... no ann, hmmm.

Buck Fudd said...

That was fucking brilliant, Kranky. Thanks.

I'm going to have to check out some pictures of her before reading the sequel...or should I?

kranki said...

Honnistaibe: Thank you for properly educating some of my reader as only you can.

I wish Ann Coulter has a 1690's mentality. Then she would probably have herself burned as a witch. Or warlock. That Adams Apple only confuses the issue.

Buck! Sequel? Where?

Buck Fudd said...

You missed it?!

"Links" list in the right hand column: "Back in Ann Coulter's Ass-Saddle Again".

Buck Fudd said...

A taster:

‘Well get out of that ridiculously too young for you Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt, say goodbye to 1998 and lose the cargo pants, and get ready to stuff the only thing interesting about you into the sloppy end of my digestive tract.’

‘Which end is that?’


Buck Fudd said...

Check out his "Rejected 'Love Is..' Comics" too. He's definately your/our kind of guy, Kranki.