Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Ego, the Id, and the Super Ego are all sitting at a bar.

Thursday, July 15, 2004 
The title sounds like the beginning of an old joke. The Ego, the Id and the Super Ego are all sitting at a bar. The Ego turns to the Super Ego and says...   I didn't say it was a joke, I just said it sounded like the start of one. If anybody can invent the remainder of that joke I will by you a coke and teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. Okay I can't do that, so make it a coke and a slice of pizza. That's a promise! You can hold me to it. I know and have worked with a hell of a lot of funny and talented writers, but it takes a rare mind to just sit down and make up a joke from start to finish like that. I bet the guy who came up with the idea of the Farmer, The Farmer's daughter and the traveling salesman was some alcoholic comedy savant. I wonder if there is a big book of those types of jokes.  I'm off to surf the internet to find out. And to refresh myself on the difference between the Ego and the Super Ego. I know the ID is the one that's all about sex and violence and base human urges. I wonder if I could come up with an anti-joke. The non-polish fellow, the man who isn't French and the not-black guy are lost in the desert...

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