Monday, October 03, 2005

Fan Mail

We all love to see people reading our blogs. Just thought I'd take a minute to say hello to all my readers who go out of their way to inspire me to keep blogging like a hyper-active little boy in a superhero outfit who desperately craves attention.

Here are just some of the special comments and kudos I have received lately.

"Hey, I have enjoyed...your blog is informative - even entertaining.I have a halloween sites. They pretty much covers costumes and masks related stuff.Thanks again and I'll be sure to bookmark you."

Well, thanks for the very heartfelt coments.

Alot of interesting comments on this blog, I was searching for some doctor related info and some how came across this site. I found it pretty cool, so I bookmarked. I'll really liked the second post on the front page, that got my attention.My site is in a bit different area, but just as useful. I have a bigger enlargement penis penis size related site focusing on bigger enlargement penis penis size and mens health related topics.

Yeah, that "second post on the front page" sure is super dooper. I could see how you might have easily mistaken The Krankiboy Khronicles for a medical journal and continued to read on looking for relevant information. Your blog sounds totally awesome and unique too. I'll absolutely have to visit your site the next time I attempt to enlarge my penis. The homemade pump I made from a pickel jar and toilet plunger just dont seem to be working.

Hello, I just wanted to post a comment on how well you have put your Blog together. I was doing a search for prescription facial hair removal and came across your Blog. I personally run my own Blog for prescription facial hair removal so I know a good Blog when I see one.

Anybody interested in knows about facial hair removal would naturally be drawn to my like a moth to a flame thrower. Thanks for the kind words. Your blog sounds like a truly fascinating read.

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you! I have a ##KEYWORD## site/blog. It pretty much covers ##KEYWORD## related stuff.Come and check it out if you get time :-)lowering cholesterol

Dear Lowering Cholesterol,
Delighted that you visited my site. What a wacky screen name you have! I will absolutely check out your blog as I am a huge fan of keywords. I feel that they are often the most important words in a sentence and serve as a sort of "key" to understanding what something is about.
It's always nice to get praise from such a dedicated blogger.

Wow, what a great site. I will bookmark this site and return often. It's nice to see sites like this.Please visit my website and let me know what you think. Disney Tickets

Dear Mr. or Ms. Tickets, I'm sooo glad you like my site, it's a nice to get feedback from somebody who takes the time to really explore my blog. I was wondering if you get spammer comments in your email. Many of my friends have complained that they get tons of spam on their blogs, but I have been fortunate enough to attract true fans like yourself. Also thanks for sending me those 15 comments yesterday and 18 comments today. You might have accidentally hit send a few dozen times cuz all the comments were exactly the same. Ooopsie. :~)

Thank you to all of my brand new fans. Knowing you all enjoy my posts fills me with warm tinglies inside.

- Krankiboy

* This post was not spell-checked to draw attention to the sensless occupation and war in Vietnam-- I mean Iraq.


Melba said...

oh kranki, i thought you were going to mention me and bevis and anna

but you've dropped all of us for new friends

fickle, fickle you

BEVIS said...

There's definitely a line in there somewhere, but I'm going to leave it well alone.

PS - Is today's Word Verification a sign that the Internet has gained so much intelligence that it's now telling me I'm working on a reallly out-dated computer? It says: shtpc

I know it is, dude.