Friday, April 15, 2005

I can't even think of a title for my blogs anymore

I find it as sweet and surprising as a hot fudge enema that there are still people coming to my blog to check for updates. I would have thought that my audience had completely dried up when my posts decreased in frequency from a few a day to a few this month. Also the comedy quality control person here at the Khronicles has obviously been fired as the humor level has actually flip-flopped into the negative so deeply that anything you read immediately following this blog will be made all the more entertaining and witty by comparison. I suppose that when I am once again financially destitute the comedy might return.

Why am I so spent. What the hell is happening to me? Where is the jaded, little mirth-maker who once inhabited my skin?

I feel like coming to this blog should qualify as an act of charity. What could be better than a blog that's both devoid of the funny and updated infrequently?

Blah , blah, blah, me, me, blah, blah...

My friend J is in Amsterdam at the moment. I wish I could claim that psychedelic mushrooms and a THC coma were impairing my ability to write anything remotely humorous but I don't even have that to fall back on. Without the drugs we aren't even human. Taking drugs in the only thing that separates man from the animals. Unless you're that person who likes to get their dog stoned. Loser.


Jess said...

Babes, everyone loses the funny from time to time, don't feel bad!

And anyway, you're still utterly adorable, which is why I still visit x

Jellyfish said...

What Jess said.

Plus, I passed you a meme thing about, oh, five thousand years ago which should make for a very easy post. It's ok, I'm not crying myself to sleep over it or anything.

Tuppence said...

Mmm... hot fudge enema.

We love you xoxo

Fluffy said...

I could never consider not checking in on the Khronicles, even when you're not regular. I've been less than regular myself from time to time so t'would be churlish of me to harrass you. The funny is expendable - the Kranki is essential.

Anna A. Spades said...

We got faith in you Kranki.

*taps side of rocketpack knowingly*

Complete faith.

By the by, kudos on the mysterious new job.

Sherriff said...

Funniest post ever.

la nadine said...

humour is overrated.

You've Got What I Need... said...

I don't think a Hot Fudge Enema would surprise you much. Which is why you're so loved.

Anonymous said...

dude, i'm back from amsterdam. i brought you a bonbon with thc in it. i get back to la this week and unless customs gets a hold of it you should be enjoying it by this weekend. supper club was incredible. such good food. i was also invited to join my first gay threesome back at some guy from paris' hotel room. i'll let you wonder what my response was. j

let's write on monday after i get back.

You've Got What I Need... said...

It makes my soul ache with bittersweet love everytime FUCKNUCKLE is used.

Bless you Anon. Bless you!

ms fits said...

I love you Kranki. x