Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How ya going?

How ya going?


sublime-ation said...

This is going to be a loooong day.

Sherriff said...

mama desu yo.

Sherriff said...

Okaa-san no koto ja nai desu yo! Nihongo no "mama desu" wa Eigo de "so-so" desu yo.

Baka ja neh.

kranki said...

Sherriff speka da strange words.

kranki said...

Is that fancy Japanese, boss?

Sherriff said...

Hai, nihon-go desu yo. Wakarimasen?

Melba said...

hai, wakarimashita sherriffu-sama. he's saying that he's not talking about anyone's mother, he's saying that in japanese you say "mama", for so-so.

and hi kranki. and hi fluffy.

Susan Cline - said...

Are you Australian? You must be, right? Just got back from five weeks abroad and "how you going" is definitely an Australian term, right?

Sherriff said...

He's had some Australian in him.