Friday, June 03, 2005

Crack Research

I did not think it was possible but my crack* Research Department has uncovered an even better word than cumshaw.

One entry found for cockchafer.

Main Entry: cock·cha·fer

Pronunciation: 'käk-"chA-f&r
Function: noun
Etymology: 1cock + chafer: a large European beetle (Melolontha melolontha) destructive to vegetation as an adult and to roots as a larva; also : any of various related beetles

I naturally assumed it referred to a rough, rugged, and unkempt vagina.

* Just to clarify... The term "crack" is used as a adjective to mean efficient and not the rock form of cocaine. That is an entirely separate department.


You've Got What I Need... said...

Bug doctors are nasty. I wonder what they call the poor dungbeetle behind its back...

Cockchafer. It had such potential.

kranki said...

First I would like to go on record as saying that there is absolutely nothing normal looking about a vagina. It's got more flaps and folds and rims and nubs than a sail boat. They are infinitely more complicated than say... an ipod or a penis.

Here is my vagina question: Are there women who have inies and outie genitalia, like bellybuttons, or do they all stick out? Somebody educate me. The magazines are much too expensive and I blush when I talk to my wife about... you know.